


The Process 



Jake Nash:

I am a prideful self-educated nutritionist, experienced fitness enthusiast, simple living, free spirited, live on nothing, love everything kind of person doing my best to make dreams a reality. What makes me confident I can help others become better versions of themselves is the life I endured for all of my years.

Growing up with a family that housed roughly 400 kids in foster care with all levels of ability/disability, gives a special understanding of life. As a teen I was rebellious. I straightened out through mixed martial arts with a heavy emphasis in boxing. Later that became power lifting, endurance running, triathlon training, and I’ve kept all of those close to me ever since. Through these experiences were many mistakes, nutrition being the most notable. Eventually these mistakes lead to a couple spine surgeries, and from there I began educating myself on all faucets of health. I might be beat up now, but today I am the best version of myself.

ERC was an idea that was originally constructed to help those who couldn’t experience the thrill of swimming, biking or running. The idea was to get them out there with the help of someone who could do those things. It was a Monday through Sunday service that didn’t gear toward the local events, but instead could be used all year around on any given day. This was a brand that identified each person individually and recognized we all have a story that we eventually “Endure, Rise, & Conquer”.

After some welcomed pressure from others this idea became a full service of fitness, nutrition, and life coaching. Clients ranged from entry levels to athletic elites of all abilities. Though not all our stories leave scars they all leave an experience of perseverance. Whether it is fighting addiction, raising children, graduating from school, reversing disease, meeting a fitness goal etc., you name it – Anything that ends in celebration and makes you a better version of yourself has a story behind it. That’s what I love being a part of. If you haven’t conquered, let’s change that together.

Endure Rise Conquer 2020

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